Monday, April 1, 2013

My Final Notes

Overall, I thought this project was a success. Even though I had some obstacles and everything didn't go exactly as planned (like I wasn't able to play with my left hand), I really did learn a lot. I learned how to read piano music, and I learned where the notes are on the piano, and I learned things like the history of playing piano and the history of the songs I played, and I learned about sharps and flats and about the black keys on the piano, and many more things. Without this project, I never would have put in the time or the effort to learn all that I did about the piano, and I am really happy that I did put in all that time and effort. Even though I didn't always feel like practicing (like on the days I had so much going on that the only time I could practice was at 1 am before I went to bed...), I always did practice, even just for five minutes or a quick scale or two. And I'm glad I did, because practice makes perfect, and as I learned through this project, that is so true.
I really liked this project for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that I was able to choose a project unique to my individual interests. I really enjoy music, so I liked how I was able to incorporate my passions into a school project. The second reason is that I was able to have fun and walk away from the project with a skill that I will keep forever and hopefully improve upon in the future. It is not often that I finish a school project and I keep doing whatever I had to do in that project even after the project is finished! But that goes back to the first reason I liked this project, because I will keep playing the piano because it is my passion and I enjoy doing it. Before this project was assigned, I would never have thought to teach myself to play the piano. I have a piano at my house, but it doesn't, well, didn't, frequently get used, and I have a busy schedule, so I never thought that teaching myself piano would come as a priority. But once it became a school project, it was kind of forced to become a priority, yet it was an enjoyable priority. I cannot say that I have too many enjoyable priorities in my life! I often found myself procrastinating on my other homework so I could go practice the piano, using the excuse that practicing was part of my homework too!

Now that this project is over and I no longer have deadlines by which I must be able to play songs, I will most likely not be practicing as frequently. But I do hope to find time somewhere in my day to play, but most importantly, I hope that I will continue playing for many years to come. And who knows? Maybe I will even be a piano prodigy someday!
Here is a clip of my final product, Fur Elise by Beethoven:

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